Saturday, May 30, 2009


finally, after 2 days of slacking and a short trip to Batam, it sets in.. ITS FINALLY OVER! the torturous exams are over!

but im getting busy. i dunno why. don't even have time to sleep and wake naturally. weird.

and, i have a bad bad sorethroat which make my voice go hoarse. and that sets me up in really bad moods.

but nvm, ITS THE HOLS!

can't wait for "the plans" to start being realised! hehhehheh.

Monday, May 25, 2009

the last sprint.

its the last lap of the race. at least for this year.

26th May, 5.30pm

i can barely wait.

haven't got down to writing my 'What i want to do after exams list' yet, which is weird cos usually, id already have 1001 things listed down.

arite, so much for my short stint. imma sleep, wake and hima!

jiayou sheenaGOH!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

random rant

i wanna perform i wanna perform i wanna perform i wanna perform i wanna perform!

nothing can beat the adrenaline rush that comes from that moment before you step on the stage..

yayy, 3 down, one to go! :D

Sunday, May 10, 2009

"A man should carry two stones in his pocket. On one should be inscribed, 'I am but dust and ashes.' On the other, 'For my sake the world was created.' And he should use each stone as he needs it."

- A jewish rabbi

Monday, May 4, 2009

it was raining on my way home.

下雨天了, 怎么办?



Friday, May 1, 2009

Under the frigid layers of winter lies proof of an inevitable summer.

I'm in the midst of GORY mugging camp. Only decided to name it so after i realised that me and my mates studied for 8 hours straight since we finished A.I results show last night till now.

and its the second time i'm breaking down out of stress the previous time being on the eve of my Chemistry As.

but i'm totally fine! waiting for the holidays after the examinations.
